“Engaging and illuminating.” –Fred Jones, Southeast Missouri State University
“Made such an undeniable impact on our filmmakers.”
–Liz Marion, Palm Springs ShortFest
“Reveals key insights about suspense that upped our game as screenwriters.”
–Todd Klick, Author, Something Startling Happens
“Awesome.” –Lorenzo Leonard, Actor
"Jeffrey's seminar was enlightening, revealing a very unique approach of screenwriting."
–Nicolas Simonin, Derailed Entertainment
Speaking & Events
A writer, independent filmmaker, and “Hitchcock whisperer,” Jeffrey Michael Bays has helped thousands of filmmakers worldwide for more than a decade with his Hitchcock tutorials, books, and workshops. His intuitive understanding of the film craft has led to two how-to books — “Between the Scenes” and “Suspense with a Camera” — and numerous articles in MovieMaker Magazine, LA Screenwriter, No Film School, and The Director’s Chair. Jeffrey was also writer and producer of the award-winning “Not from Space” on XM Satellite Radio (2003).
Upcoming Events:
October 19, 2019 - Los Angeles Suspense Masterclass
Now booking 2020 events. Contact info@borgus.com
Previous Events:
May 24-25, 2019 - FOCAL, Switzerland
April 6, 2019 - Kentucky Wesleyan Film Festival, Owensboro, Suspense With a Camera
Nov 2018 - Atlanta Pitch Summit: workshop Suspense With a Camera
July 2018 - Panelist and presenter at University Film and Video Association conference, Las Cruces, NM
Nov 11, 2017 - St. Louis International Film Festival: Suspense with a Camera
Sept 23, 2017 - Buffalo Niagara Film Festival: Creating the Ultimate Suspense, Hitchock Style
June 24, 2017 - ScriptFest, Burbank: presentation on Hitchcock suspense techniques.
November 10, 2016 - Faultline Film Festival: presentation on Hitchcock techniques.
June 24 & 25, 2016 - Palm Springs ShortFest: roundtable on scene tectonics and presentation on Hitchcock techniques.
June 19, 2015 - Palm Springs ShortFest roundtable discussion
October 18, 2014 - Writers Store in Burbank, book signing.
October 2014 - Book signings at CILECT (Centre International de Liaison des Ecoles de Cinéma et de Télévision) conference at Hyatt in Newport Beach, CA.
September 27, 2014 - Workshop at Moondance International Film Festival, Boulder, CO.
August 2014 - Panelist at University Film and Video Association conference, Bozeman, MT.
June 2014 - Workshop at Great American Pitchfest in Burbank, CA.
Masterclass: Suspense With a Camera
Film scholar Jeffrey Michael Bays brings the secrets of suspense out of the shadows. This master class explores easy techniques for keeping a film’s audience in a state of heightened anticipation, for any genre. The class features clips from works by Hitchcock and and, appropriately, a few surprises. Attendees will learn how to set up close-call moments, write visual sentences, use sound, and use the camera like a musical instrument.
Workshop: Scene Tectonics
Scene Tectonics is a new approach, looking at the ways the bigger puzzle pieces of scene, sequences, and acts fit together into the emotional landscape of a film. This workshop focuses on "How to get earth-shattering drama out of your scene transitions." Armed with Jeffrey's insights, we guarantee that you will leave this session a stronger filmmaker than when you arrived. By focusing on the emotions of their audience, screenwriters and directors can learn to reshape their cinematic choices to enhance the impact of their work. This approach in turn reveals problem areas in their scripts as well.
For more information on booking Jeffrey at your event or podcast, please contact info@borgus.com.